

受託製造 OEM

N‐アセチルノイラミン酸 N-Acetylneuraminic acid

N-アセチルノイラミン酸(N-Acetylneuraminic acid、Neu5Ac、NeuAc、NANA)は、ガングリオシドの分解で得られるアミノ糖であり、(N-アセチルノイラミン酸はセラミドと結合することによってガングリオシドを生じる。)シアル酸の最も多い型である。(2番目はN-グリコリルノイラミン酸。)

the monosaccharide Sialic acid is often used as an ingredient in traditional food products and cosmetics. For example, bird’s nest soup is considered a delicacy in many Asian countries and extracts of the edible bird’s nests (swiftlets) are also used in cosmetic products with a “whitening effect”. These nests are made of solidified saliva and contain up to 9% sialic acid.

In addition to the monosaccharides L-Fucose and Sialic acid, selected sialylated and fucosylated oligosaccharides are also used as active ingredients in cosmetic products.